Lionel slammed his fist into the ground, it wasn't working! He tried to preform the spell again, lightning surged through his veins, into his right arm, and flew out of his right hand in a bolt, at least... that was the theory. So far the main sticking point was getting it to arc out of the palm of his hand. But directing it all towards his arm was a hard beginning which made it no easier to do the other tasks consecutively. He tried again, the lightning this time graced out gloriously, it seemed to be in the wrist, but it lacked direction and arced towards a metal post.
Great, new problem, he fired it this time by swinging his arm, it went completely off course. He repeated several methods, even attempting to use unorthadox methods such as using his tanto to help veer it to the correct course. One shot almost hit the target, he decided to analyse all the different methods to cast the spell and selected the most sucessful, combining them into a hybrid, he pulled his arm back slightly, ran the lightning towards his palm, flicked his wrist and jerked his arm forward, the lightning surged out in a short yet effective stream of around a second long, arcing towards the target and striking it, and a nice big burn mark.